
About mConnectGROUP

At mConnectGROUP, we understand that pivotal career decisions are often made on so much more than the job itself–they are often made on the fit within a community outside of work as well. mConnectGROUP has a proven track record of helping corporate talent divisions recruit and retain top talent who need new or deeper connections within a community. Perhaps a recruit is relocating and needs to find the community that best meets her needs and preferences, or a company wants to retain a busy executive who could use an insider’s perspective while trying to find the right school for his kids…. We can help with those situations and so many more. In fact, our specialty is fulfilling the hard to meet needs!

We don’t just offer advice and data (although we have lots of it!), and we don’t just offer customer experiences that help individuals make critical life decisions or connect with others (although we certainly do that, too!)–we leverage our deep network of contacts throughout the regions in which we operate to help our clients quickly understand context and begin to build the social network they need to become engrained in their community.


About Meredith McVicker, CEO and Principal

Meredith McVicker is a seasoned talent recruitment and retention consultant with a long history of working with corporate human resources divisions. She is skilled in talent recruitment, negotiation, business planning, sales, retail, and team building. Meredith is a strong administrative professional who has a passion to help connect talent to career, community, and life needs.

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