Community Involvement

mConnectGROUP- Now THIS is something to celebrate!!

The Indiana Diaper Bank exceeded their goal of 150,000 diapers, diaper needs and donations in the #ShareTheLove campaign by over 32,000 diapers collected because of the many companies that stepped up to help!

Grass roots organization Indiana Diaper Bank helps enable a healthier start to a promising future for families in need. Fulfilling the most basic baby need is the first step toward a stronger community. It is when our most basic needs are met that we can focus on the most important things in life …

This is an essential need to help the health and welfare of Indiana communities. When companies and media like Crate and Barrel and WISH-TV come together to support our local non profit organizations like Indiana Diaper bank, the success and outreach is unbelievable.

How incredible that an organization like this exists in Indiana!

Click on the link on each photo to view full article!

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